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A Specrum Þurh Seasons


In lenten blostm, þe worlde anew,
Hues bright, þe heofon so blue.
A cild’s mod, a gardin wilde,
Autism whispers, a different cild.

Buds of þoht, so clæne, so freo,
Anlic percepciens, like a treo.
Unfolding petals, leorning, growing,
In þe breeze, hyre æssence showing.

Yet oftentimes, a lonely plight,
Misunderstood in day's bright light.
Amidst þe blooms, a hidden tear,
A silent cry, none seem to hear.


Sumor sunne, a gylden blæze,
Dagas warm, endelæse dæge.
Energy like sunbeams dance,
In hyre worlde, a vivid trance.

Hlæhter echoes, clæne and hlud,
Imaginacioun, a vibrant croud.
Exploring reams, unseen, unheard,
Ælc moment, a flight of birds.

Yet in þe glow of sumor’s cheer,
Lurks a shade of quiet fear.
Loneliness, a shadow cast,
By þe misunderstanding vast.


Hærfest leafes, hiæ gently fall,
Whispering secrets, a cwiæte call.
Changes come, like drifting hues,
Challenges faced, yet strengþ accrues.

Gylden paths, þe worlde prepares,
For shorter days, and coler airs.
Inward journeys, introspect,
Understanding, deop respect.

But as þe hues of hærfest fade,
A feeling oft of being swayed.
Misunderstood, alone in crowd,
The silence speaks, though ne’er aloud.


Winter’s ceald, a blancan hwaite,
Cwiæte calm, a starry niht.
Reflecting stillness, þohtes profound,
In silence, deop connectiouns found.

Þurh frosted glæs, þe worlde at bay,
An inner warmth, a gentle sway.
In ælc snowflake’s unique form,
A testament, to brecan þe norm.

Yet winter’s hush can amplify,
Þe loneliness beneath þe sky.
A solitary star’s faint light,
In þe vastness of þe night.

Æll Seasons

Þurh ælc season’s ebb and flow,
Autism’s specrum, a vibrant show.
In lenten’s blostm, and winter’s peace,
A journey of love, þæt does not cease.

In sumor’s joy, and hærfest’s grace,
A different rhythm, a unique pace.
Ælc season brings a chance to see,
Þe beauty of neurodiversity.

And though þe path be lone and tough,
Misunderstood, þe road is rough.
In ælc season’s changing face,
Þe strength to find a gentle place.